How to Upgrade Your Digital Multimeter to Be More Prepared Than Ever

15 July 2019
 Categories: , Blog

If you are responsible for running an industrial process of some kind, you've always got to keep your eye on the ball. You cannot afford any downtime, but you also know that, from time to time, problems will arise, and the sooner you can deal with them the better. Certainly, you should have a proactive maintenance regimen and replace certain parts before they fail, but no matter what you may do, an emergency situation is likely to arise. At this time, you will rely on the best equipment you can get to help you troubleshoot and ultimately diagnose the issue, and you should always be on the lookout for the latest idea. While your multimeter will never be too far from your side, maybe you should upgrade to include a second, crucial tool.

Fully Prepared?

Your digital multimeter has helped you deal with many a problem over the years, and it can often provide an answer to an electronic or electrical problem in the blink of an eye. Sometimes, however, it may take a little longer to detect the source of the issue, and you may even have to slow down production while you do so. However, if you had a built-in thermal imager that is also connected to some external software, this combination could be the answer that you are looking for.

Two in One

The thermal imager will help you to zero in right away by identifying hotspots at the root of the problem. You will be able to take the measurements at the scene and rapidly diagnose the problem so that you can initiate the repair more quickly than ever before. Once you have done this, you can verify that everything is okay once again with the thermal imager and create an incident report using the software tool for your records.

Ultimate Kit

A variety of additional tools can be introduced that can work alongside a digital multimeter to provide even more functionality and capability. These can be used in addition to a coordinated meter and thermal imager and provide the best emergency response toolkit available.


If it's been some time since you or your organisation considered an upgrade, then it's worth reassessing your state of readiness. Talk about this internally and with your equipment supplier to see if you should upgrade your current equipment instead.

For more information about multimeters, reach out to an electrical test equipment provider.
